

Persistent Prayer Breaks our Bonds

Why should we pray? That’s a question children ask their parents all the time—and one we often ask ourselves when our faith flags during tough times. But a more important question is “How should we pray?”  The answer to how…

Lost in Our Destination

The faith of many religious people is strengthened in the realization that their life is a journey toward the Kingdom of God. A journey can include many stops and byways that teach us things along the way. At least one…

A Purpose-Driven Life is its Own Reward

If your kids sometimes expect to be rewarded for doing what they’re supposed to do, today’s readings are for them. Make sure they pay attention at today’s mass, or bring their attention to these readings afterwards—maybe after dinner, when they…

From Rejects to Role Models

Where would our faith be without rule breakers and sinners?  Today’s readings answer that question.    Our first reading shows David to be the ultimate sinner. Murder, adultery, lust, greed…he had all the qualifications for a super villain. Yet, according to…

God is our Food, We are God’s Shelter

The people of Jesus’ time were always hungry, both for physical and spiritual food. At key times in the gospels Jesus was their source for both—and these were miraculous times.  In today’s gospel we have the classic example of the…

Take Courage from the Holy Spirit’s Joy

Everyone who works should take comfort and inspiration from today’s readings. It’s Trinity Sunday and the first reading introduces us to the spirit of Wisdom at work—God’s creative spark giving us life. It’s that wisdom that filled Jesus and inspired…