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Blood on the Bottom Line

We’re on our second contract with God, and if I were Him I’d have sued us a long time ago. Humanity isn’t much better at living up to the terms of this second one as we were with the first.…

The Opposite of Gravity is Grace

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Amazing Grace is a great hymn any time of the year, but it has a special…

Is God’s investment in us a gamble?

It’s interesting how prominent rolls of the dice were in the events of Easter. One of these happened at Christ’s crucifixion, when the Roman soldiers cast lots to determine who would get Jesus’ garments. They didn’t want to divide his…

Hate’s a Coward

It’s amazing how much hate love has inspired over the last 2000 years of Christianity. Our readings this Sunday reflect some of that. While they all send the message “God is love,” as Jesus says in our gospel reading (Jn…

God has No Business being So Generous

I recently heard a businessman speaking about his least favorite scripture passages. First was Jesus’ story about the vineyard owner recruiting workers throughout the course of a day (Matthew 20:1–16 ). He didn’t like the ending, with those hired toward…

The Good Shepherd Wants Wolves

Jesus calls us sheep in this Sunday’s gospel reading (Jn 10:11-18). From anybody else this would be an insult, but it actually says more about him and his role as our shepherd than about us being among the dumbest animals…

Who are You–Friend or Foe?

On the first few Sundays after Easter Sunday we are treated to a variety of cases of mistaken identity. Jesus appears to various people after returning from the dead and nobody recognizes him—at least right away. As holy as these…

Thomas Didymus is Us

Non-Christians have a lot in common with my saintly namesake, St. Thomas—the Doubter. Even he converted to all-in Christianity reluctantly, as we read in this Sunday’s gospel account. It took the risen Christ himself to accomplish that hands-on conversion. Thomas…

Rise to the Role of a Lifetime

Last Sunday we all played a bit part in the reading of Christ’s Passion—and it wasn’t a very sympathetic role, either. We were the angry rabble, and our big line of dialog was easy to memorize: “Crucify him!” The good…