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Be Like a Trained Seal in the Desert

The combination of readings for this Sunday’s celebration of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is like reading a Navy SEAL training manual. The SEALs are trained to operate in all environments, including climate extremes like the scorching…

Stick Your Neck Out and Look Within

“If I find favor with you, O Lord, do come along in our company. This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins, and receive us as your own.” What a timeless sentiment in Moses’ prayer in…

Welcome to God’s Kingdom; Population: 1

This is the weekend of Pentecost Sunday. We associate this day with the Holy Spirit’s possession of Jesus’ disciples, enabling them to speak many foreign languages. But we can also look at Pentecost as the day when people of many…

Take the Master’s Class in Succession Planning

Christianity wouldn’t exist if Christ hadn’t been a smart businessman. Every successful business requires a succession plan, and this Sunday’s readings let us in on the culmination of that plan. Our gospel passage from John (jn 17:1-11a) puts us right…

Heed the Shepherd in Your Head

Earlier this week The Wall Street Journal recommended a new source of inspiration to its readers: their own inner voice. In an article titled “Self Talk, or a Heart-to-Heart with Your Closest Friend,” author Elizabeth Bernstein describes self-talk as what…

God Hides in Plain Sight

After all the pain and sorrow Jesus went through before his earthly death, it’s delightful to see him having a bit of fun with his disciples in this Sunday’s gospel reading. That’s how I read it anyway. He’s toying with…

Seeing God’s Reflection is Believing

Jesus wasn’t just a carpenter by trade, but a master planner. We can see the brilliance of how he designed the foundation of his kingdom with the luxury of hindsight, but at the time his plan was unfolding, the people…

Jesus Has Risen. So Must We.

In this Easter’s gospel reading the tomb is empty, leading us to believe that Jesus did what he said he would do on the third day after his crucifixion. Rise. But there was another miracle we mustn’t forget. Rising with…