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A Part We Don’t Like to Play

It has become a tradition that on Palm Sunday every Catholic Church becomes a theater where all the inhabitants play a role in the reading of Christ’s Passion.  The only trouble is, I don’t like my part. Why do I…

How Humanity Surprised Jesus

Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans. All of humanity can relate to that little bon mot from Woody Allen. No matter how carefully or how long we plan something, the intended result is always subject to how…

Heading to a Dust-Free Environment

The human body is about 60% water. The earth is about 70% water.  That seems like a lot, and since water is necessary to life, you would think both are full of life.  But the earth is a closed system,…

Survivor: Satan’s Desert

One of the more modern manifestations of the original sin that introduced man to his mortality is the survivalist movement. These are people who dedicate themselves to hoarding supplies and mastering self-defense techniques to protect themselves from either man-made or…

A Church Made of Muscle and Blood

It’s amazing how quickly news is spread these days. Reports of the bloody conflicts in the Middle East, Europe and Asia are sent globally and instantly thanks to fighters who use i-phones as weapons.  This era of tweeted world news…