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Investing Life’s Savings

Today’s readings give us a clear message about God the Father: He protects what’s His. And that means us.  But like any father, he has expectations, too. He wants us to be worth protecting. Yes, He saved His people from…

Even Ashes have a Purpose

On this Sunday before Ash Wednesday, it’s appropriate that today’s readings focus on humble men who remember their role: as earthen vessels, made primarily of dust and ashes, designed to contain and dispense the word of God. Our maker chose…

How Well do you Fit Your Skin?

Elvis was right. We ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Not just because we’re crying all the time but because we’re growing into all that skin God gave us. Today’s readings are about the process of becoming what God made…

The Holy Spirit Shares Some Smiles

Today’s readings are spirit raisers. In the first, Ezra is described in the Book of Nehemiah a few different ways, according to his talents (priest, scribe and priest/scribe). Another of his talents apparently was cheerleader. He had a tough crowd,…

From Cana to the Cross

Jesus’ miracles served an important purpose outside the immediate need they met.  As written in the account of his miracle at Cana, “Jesus revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.” He could have abused this gift…

Christianity’s Bazillion-Dollar Coin

Today’s gospel is inspiring. Jesus is baptized, the skies open and God endorses Jesus: “You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.” With that endorsement, Jesus was certified to pay an astounding debt. He received the power…

An Epiphany about the Epiphany

On this feast of the Epiphany, it’s worthwhile to look at the various definitions of that word. The first that comes up online is “a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in…

Show Atheists some Love

It’s almost Christmas. To share joy with their fellow citizens, an atheist group purchased a billboard in the heart of midtown Manhattan stating “Keep the MERRY! Dump the MYTH!” Of course, this message wasn’t intended to spread joy but to…