Feast on the Peace of God’s Mind

(To hear the audio version of this post, please visit ) When you’re in solitary confinement, sustenance is scarce whether your prison is a 10 x 10 cell or a vast expanse of desert. Or a crowded city block, for…

Overhear Your Own Prayer

(For the audio version of this blog, visit: ) A little movie with a limited release had a big impact on me recently. Shepherd: The story of a Jewish Dog, tells the story of Kaleb, a beloved German shepherd taken…

Making Our Author Smile

The readings for this Sunday’s mass have all the makings of a Charlie Chaplin comedy starring his “Little Tramp.” The basis of comedy is contrast and conflict, and the mission of spreading God’s word is filled with both. This is…

If It’s Broke, Fix It

An article about the benefits of swearing in the workplace was posted on LinkedIn recently. Many who read the piece applauded its message: that foul language can sharpen important points and is actually a sign of intelligence. But people of…

All the Good News Fit to Imprint

Imprinting is a 20th century psychological concept with scriptural implications. In clinical examples of this theory, newly hatched ducks were shown to form attachments with the first large moving object they see. Scholars say this attachment is innate and programmed genetically. They…

Contagious Grace

As a Eucharistic minister, I can attest to the restorative power of prayer we bring with us—whether spoken from scripture or straight from one’s heart. We visit mostly older people who can no longer visit their church to pray and…

Why is Death a Dead-End on Sesame Street?

“Street Gang,” a documentary about the origins of the children’s show, Sesame Street, inspired a fantasy in the mind of the child within me. The film tells its audience that the show’s purpose from the beginning was to depict characters…

Rising Above Our Animal Brain

If we had relied on Moses and the Old Testament prophets and even Jesus’ New Testament disciples to spread the word of God under their own power, not a letter of it would have reached 21st century humans. They started…