Salvation from our Man-Made Monstrosities
Here’s a quiz. In which book of the bible will you find the following prayer? Father I thank thee that in thy great mercy, thou hast taken pity on my great loneliness and now out of the silence of the…
Here’s a quiz. In which book of the bible will you find the following prayer? Father I thank thee that in thy great mercy, thou hast taken pity on my great loneliness and now out of the silence of the…
A cousin recently invited me to join an exclusive group dedicated to preserving an old family heirloom—our surname. This cousin is one of those relatives you usually only get to see at weddings and funerals, so the prospect of getting…
Less than a third of us go to church anymore. That’s what a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reported. Only 29% of Americans responding to the pollsters say they attend religious services once a week or more often. It…
For earthbound scientists, humans are creatures governed by brains, not souls. Conscience and morality are ignited by pleasure-inducing brain juices released during times God-believers might classify as holy—such as the love between a mother and child, or cooperation among neighbors.…
This Sunday’s Mass readings inspired our Beatley headline. The scriptural theme seems to address people preparing to say goodbye to real life. These people, as they hear God’s calling, soon learn they’re saying hello to that life. The first reading…
John Mullee, the pastor of St. Michael’s parish in Independence, recently told its “Brothers in Christ” men’s fellowship of his formation as a priest. He came to the priesthood relatively late in life, he explained, after years working in industrial…
Wisdom and intelligence are two different things. You can be the smartest person in the room, yet still do some pretty stupid stuff. History has proven that over and over again. Add evil to that stupidity and you can create…
A recent documentary, “Hail Satan?,” follows a group called the Satanic Temple—which is recognized as a church by the IRS. A film review of it reprinted in The Plain Dealer opened this way: The church members busied themselves with community…
In this modern age, it’s hard for many to relate to the people depicted in ancient Scriptures. But all we have to do is read today’s newspapers or go to online social media to recognize the same old characters among…
When some of us think about religion, laws and regulations can intrude—making it easier to lose faith than gain it. Gaining faith is simplicity itself. It’s why Jesus loved children so much—because they don’t burden themselves with legalistic baggage. The…