Wisdom Makes Life a Sentence worth Serving

A recent TV documentary reported the tortuous lengths many inmates of the island penitentiary of Alcatraz took to flee this inescapable fortress in the early 20th century. None escaped alive. That’s life. Many of us lifers on earth spend our…

How a CEO Found Forgiveness in The Boss’s Office

Earlier this year, Doran Oancia, CEO of Chemex Modular LLC, in Houston, went on LinkedIn, the businessperson’s social network, asking the following: “Does anyone know a solidly Catholic parish, preferably with adoration chapel, in the Woodlands TX area?” Finding an…

The Miracle of Our Special Needs

A century ago, two teenage girls in England had some fun challenging the self-regard of grownups. They found a children’s book filled with pictures of winged fairies, cut these figures out of the book, then took photographs of themselves interacting…

The Big Plus from Our Division

Polarization is a force of nature in the world of science. Light, radiation, and magnetism can be used to illustrate movement in opposing directions. Outside science, human ego is infinitely more powerful than magnets for exemplifying an intractable power struggle.…

Heroes Bravely Reveal Their True Identity

The creators of our agnostic culture’s most beloved super heroes model their characters’ behavior on some of religion’s greatest scriptural heroes—whether they know it or not. These behaviors include always doing the right thing, living righteously, and acting fearlessly. Mary,…

What’s the face of your vanity saying?

A Eucharistic Minister gets to look many people square in the face while distributing Holy Communion at Sunday Mass. Some bow and say “Amen” after being presented with the host and hearing “Body of Christ.” Most present their palms to…

The Lodger We’ve Evicted

Less than a third of us go to church anymore. That’s what a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reported. Only 29% of Americans responding to the pollsters say they attend religious services once a week or more often. It…

The Formula for Existence

For earthbound scientists, humans are creatures governed by brains, not souls. Conscience and morality are ignited by pleasure-inducing brain juices released during times God-believers might classify as holy—such as the love between a mother and child, or cooperation among neighbors.…