Thomas Didymus is Us

Non-Christians have a lot in common with my saintly namesake, St. Thomas—the Doubter. Even he converted to all-in Christianity reluctantly, as we read in this Sunday’s gospel account. It took the risen Christ himself to accomplish that hands-on conversion. Thomas…

Rise to the Role of a Lifetime

Last Sunday we all played a bit part in the reading of Christ’s Passion—and it wasn’t a very sympathetic role, either. We were the angry rabble, and our big line of dialog was easy to memorize: “Crucify him!” The good…

Passion Sunday—but Whose?

This Sunday we read of Christ’s passion. But it’s not just his passion we remember, it’s that of all those around him—people who had no idea who he was. We wouldn’t have a Passion Sunday if it weren’t for the…

Lenten Reinvention: a Good Way to Die.

People who make New Year’s and Lenten resolutions often have similar goals but different outcomes. Many promises made on New Year’s Eve are broken by New Year’s Day. Lent offers many more opportunities to succeed and more time to become…

Darkness: The Devil’s Only Creation

In last week’s gospel reading Jesus told his persecutors that he could raise God’s fallen temple in three days. Of course he was referring to his own body. The message this week is that we are all houses of God,…

God’s Foolishness is Our Salvation

“Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Jesus’ disciples heard him say this to the Jews after he overthrew the marketplace that had been set up in the temple. They had no idea what he…

What It’s Like to be God

Isn’t it funny that when man first wanted to learn what it was like to be God we went to the devil? That serpent in the Garden made us believe that God was afraid that if we ate of the…

Take Part in the Art of His Heart

On this first Sunday of Lent we are treated to a review of God’s key artistic periods. He first shaped humanity out of the clay sourced from his creation of land and sea. Humanity turned out so beautifully that our…

A Leper Can Change His Spots

This Sunday’s readings show us two ways humans can live with their decrepitude: by isolating it and protecting others from it or by transforming it and sharing the new creation with others. The Old Testament reading from Leviticus (LV 13:1-2,…

My God It’s Monday

Working stiffs with demanding jobs have a word to describe this Sunday’s readings: Monday. In fact, these readings would provide great fodder for a Monday morning meditation, giving the reader more appreciation for how easy they have it. In our…