Passion Fuels God’s Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

Passion Sunday refers to Christ’s passion, but passion implies extreme emotion. We know how extreme emotions affect human beings. They can make people do nutty things. That’s evident from the way the people around Jesus behaved throughout today’s readings. We…

Francis: a Pope of Hope

“Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new!” Today’s first reading from Isaiah is most appropriate for a mass that marks the first formal intention for our new…

Human Folly: Trying to Win the Fatted Calf

The Prodigal Son is a classic morality play–one that’s so poignant that it proves one of Jesus’ most under-appreciated miracles was his ability to change hearts through the power of his words. Raising Lazarus from the dead was amazing, but…

“Nothing” is a Lousy Name.

One of the hardest tasks expectant parents face is choosing a name for their child. There are perennial favorites like John, Matthew or Michael for a boy and Mary, Susan or Sarah for a girl. Then there are those parents…

No Prison Can Contain a Transfigured Soul

Today’s gospel is the transfiguration of Jesus, but to me it’s really about the transfiguration of Peter, John, James—and us. Up to this point the disciples were following Jesus and buying into what he was teaching, but when they saw…

Investing Life’s Savings

Today’s readings give us a clear message about God the Father: He protects what’s His. And that means us.  But like any father, he has expectations, too. He wants us to be worth protecting. Yes, He saved His people from…

Even Ashes have a Purpose

On this Sunday before Ash Wednesday, it’s appropriate that today’s readings focus on humble men who remember their role: as earthen vessels, made primarily of dust and ashes, designed to contain and dispense the word of God. Our maker chose…

How Well do you Fit Your Skin?

Elvis was right. We ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Not just because we’re crying all the time but because we’re growing into all that skin God gave us. Today’s readings are about the process of becoming what God made…

The Holy Spirit Shares Some Smiles

Today’s readings are spirit raisers. In the first, Ezra is described in the Book of Nehemiah a few different ways, according to his talents (priest, scribe and priest/scribe). Another of his talents apparently was cheerleader. He had a tough crowd,…