The Formula for Knowing God’s Will

The ending scene from our first reading today is almost comical. There the disciples stand, staring into the sky after Jesus ascended into heaven. Then two angel-like beings stand beside them giving them a verbal kick in the posterior: ‘Why…

Can’t Escape God on Mother’s Day

It’s appropriate that today’s mass readings are all about love. It’s Mother’s Day: a day that’s founded on love. And as John writes in the second reading, “love is from God.” We can’t escape God. In fact most people who…

We’re Destined for a Big Promotion

Today’s mass offered a good reminder of the connection between our occupations and our identities. Christ identified himself as a shepherd who is so good at his job that he knows each sheep in his flock and they know him.…

Waiting for a Blissful Haunting

In today’s gospel, the disciples see Jesus in the flesh. Knowing their friend was crucufied, rather than be delighted at seeing their teacher alive again, they were horrified. “In a state of alarm and fright, they thought they were seeing…

Thomas is our Twin

Today’s gospel was close to my heart. It starred Thomas “Didimus,” my patron saint. He personifies the human condition: doubt. This worldly life has conditioned us to believe only what we can see. Thomas was one of the 12 who…

No Atheists in Foxholes

In today’s gospel Jesus show Himself to be the ideal of bravery and wisdom. Every saint who followed Jesus had that ideal branded into their soul and were willing to lay down their life so Jesus’ teachings may live. His…