Category Uncategorized

The Justice of God’s Unfairness

Humanity has figured out many of nature’s laws, but we’ve never mastered God’s physics. We tend to generalize it to our understanding of Newton’s law that every human action should have an equal and opposite reaction from God’s side of…

Our Most Difficult Miracle

Most secular humanists believe that human life lacks a cosmic meaning—and they are okay with that. In fact, they find it liberating.  They embrace the void. It relieves them of worrying about an afterlife—and struggling with the faith to believe…

Practicing The Law without lawyers

The great irony of electronic media is how anti-social they have made us. Technology has taught us to isolate ourselves. Conflicts between “friends” that could once be resolved face-to-face over a cup of coffee now blow up into courtroom conflicts…

Confessions of a Church Usher

A church usher is like a hotel bellhop—without the tips. You really don’t notice us until you need us—or until we put a basket in front of your face for the parish’s weekly tip. But like a hotel bellhop, church…

Transforming the souls that surround us

Some of our greatest masters of the arts were inscrutable. Their mystery is displayed in their works and by their lives. Such strange manners contributed to our fascination with their art. Salvador Dali, Picasso, Grandma Moses …all had mysterious ways…

Health Care forever—in one payment

The Catholic Church has designated many saints as “doctors” of the church for their defense of our faith, but Jesus—the founder of this faith–set the standard for healing those whose faith was broken.  The gospels are written by the interns…

Funny how God’s Found

A recent documentary about comedy delivered a sad commentary on humanity. This CNN special, part of its History of Comedy series, introduces us to stand-up comedians—people who tend to crave love and affection. Many of them have been starved of…

Will Revelation bring Our Transfiguration?

This Sunday, as we celebrate Matthew’s account of the radiant transfiguration of Christ, we should also be aware of the apocalyptic subtext nearby.  A few chapters later, Matthew has Jesus citing the prophet Daniel whose book also happens to provide…

Employers covet your buried treasure

Some technologists are predicting that automation will displace human workers. It isn’t so much that machines are getting better than people, it’s that people aren’t finding and living their innate potential. It’s an attitude thing. Even employers of labor-intensive jobs…