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The Power to End our Drought

Drought’s effect on our food supplies is making all the headlines lately, but there’s another drought that’s just as widespread in the world but is being ignored. Spiritual drought is evident to anyone who attends Sunday mass on a regular…

Even Shepherds Need Shepherds

Today’s readings are dedicated to the shepherds who guide God’s flock. The first reading is more cautionary to those who would scatter and divide that flock. “You have scattered my flock, you have driven them away and have not taken…

That “Big Bang” is God’s Laughter

esus was amazed in both last week’s and this week’s gospels, but for two completely different reasons. Last week’s showed him as being amazed at the great faith of a sickly woman who touched his robe in order to be…

Be the best shrub you can be

Today’s readings are a lesson for fathers on Father’s Day. They remind us of the role we play in God’s plan. We may be big and mighty like a great cedar, but, as shown in the first reading from Ezekiel,…