A Guiding Star for Life Well Spent

Anyone outside of an American military family can’t begin to know what it’s like to earn the Gold Star designation. That’s the honor given to a family who loses a loved one in the service of protecting their country. To…

Hearts are the Ark of the New Covenant

Whether or not you consider Noah’s Ark a fairy tale, it accomplishes what all great fairy tales do: it tells the truth. This is a simple story of salvation from God, but the survival of those eight people on the…

The Cure that Caused a Contagion

Many Christians can relate to the lepers in this Sunday’s mass readings. To be a leper in biblical contexts was akin to being an outcast, body and soul. After Christianity splintered into a wide variety of beliefs, certain elements of…

The Fate of a Full-Time Job

We mortals face a moment of truth when it comes to professing belief in an immortal being: “If He exists, why does God let bad things happen to good people?” It’s a question even evangelicals struggle to answer when challenged…

Make demons fear YOU

Imagine a demon having more faith than a God-believer. We believers tend to let the cares of this world distract us from our core beliefs. That justifies the faith the evil one has in us. But the mere mention of…

Reluctant are the Brave

A wise management axiom goes, “if you’re not afraid, you don’t understand the situation.” That may be why the business world seems to love reluctant leaders. According to a recent article in the “bible” of the business world, the Harvard…

Not Hungry, yet Starving to Death

We’re starving. Our culture is, at least. In advanced stages of starvation, appetite is lost—as is the energy to consume anything of substance. Apathy also sets in. Sound familiar? We’ve binged on news of moral apathy for quite some time…

Living through Decades of Mysteries

Whether we pray it or not, our lives can be like the mysteries of the rosary—joyful with glimpses of sorrow or sorrowful with hints of joy. Much of that depends on our own spiritual health and that of our families.…

The Gift for One Who Has Everything

What’s the first Christmas gift you remember receiving? Whatever it was, it was probably what you always wanted—and it was also probably from mom and/or dad. Somehow they always knew your heart’s desire. Now, do you remember the first Christmas…