Perfection’s destructive force

Any dream featuring Adolph Hitler would be classified as a nightmare, but what would you call a dream featuring Adolph Hitler wearing a pig mask, interrogating you for some vital information only you have? That nightmare terrorizes Jennifer Doudna, a…

How to make a divine triple play

If familiarity breeds contempt, how can some couples stay married 80 years or more? Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher, who broke The Guinness World Record for the longest marriage (84 years) in 2008, but lived to tack on three more, had some simple…

Escaping Babel’s rubble

The place that hosted the first Pentecost was as much a source of confusion for the divided inhabitants of Jerusalem as the Tower of Babel was for the people described in the 11th chapter of Genesis who attempted to build a…

A miracle shines beyond doubt’s shadow

Jesus performed many miracles during his public life, but if all it took was a miracle to change people’s hearts, he wouldn’t have had to die. In fact, I wonder if Jesus sometimes worried that his miracles were becoming mere…

Fall-safe infrastructure

The early church had the same problems many of today’s fledgling organizations have: more poets than planners.  As Christ’s 12 disciples started spreading their Master’s timeless words, they couldn’t keep up with the temporal works of infrastructure development needed to…

Our Wall: One gate, extreme vetting.

Imagine a place everyone wants to live, but it’s surrounded by a big beautiful wall. The wall is designed to protect the precious territory within, the mere thought of which gives searchers a warm feeling of freedom and well-being. The…

Life after suicide

Two suicides made headlines in recent weeks. The word of God could be read between the lines of both stories. Aaron Hernandez, former New England Patriot tight end, and more recently, a convicted murderer, was found hanged in his jail…