Fed by Christ’s Full-Time Distribution Channel

John Mullee, the pastor of St. Michael’s parish in Independence, recently told its “Brothers in Christ” men’s fellowship of his formation as a priest. He came to the priesthood relatively late in life, he explained, after years working in industrial…

The Disinheritance of the Stupidly Smart

Wisdom and intelligence are two different things. You can be the smartest person in the room, yet still do some pretty stupid stuff. History has proven that over and over again. Add evil to that stupidity and you can create…

Pentecost Conquers Our Pentagrams

A recent documentary, “Hail Satan?,” follows a group called the Satanic Temple—which is recognized as a church by the IRS. A film review of it reprinted in The Plain Dealer opened this way: The church members busied themselves with community…

Life Beyond the Stone Age

In this modern age, it’s hard for many to relate to the people depicted in ancient Scriptures. But all we have to do is read today’s newspapers or go to online social media to recognize the same old characters among…

Enabled by Our Faith and Light

When some of us think about religion, laws and regulations can intrude—making it easier to lose faith than gain it. Gaining faith is simplicity itself. It’s why Jesus loved children so much—because they don’t burden themselves with legalistic baggage. The…

Recognizing Jesus in our Flesh

The scriptures show that some of Jesus’s followers—both friends and enemies—could recognize him anywhere. That is evident in this Sunday’s readings, especially among those categorizing themselves in the latter camp—the ones who followed him to death. As the Gospel of…

The Shadow Knows

Edward R. Murrow, the legendary journalist who rose to fame during World War II, is credited for saying, “Anyone who isn’t confused doesn’t really understand the situation.” He also called his era of humanity “an age of confusion.” “Opinions can…