Our Father’s Restraining Order against Us

Nothing is uglier than a bad separation—except a separation with a restraining order. We’re witnesses to the aftermath of humanity’s separation from God in this Sunday’s liturgy honoring the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In…

Relearning our Mother Tongue

The 2000-year survival of Christianity is Christ’s greatest miracle—because it’s eternal, as he is. When you think how drastically culture and language change in the course of only a century, you realize how amazing it is that people are still…

That Fateful Friendship

Fate: “The development of events outside a person’s control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.” It is our fate to be loved by that power we call God. He shows his love in strange ways. On Southwest Flight 1380…

Don’t Fear GMOs. We ARE GMOs.

Christ’s resurrection left a fearful church in its wake. That included his original disciples, who until the Holy Spirit broke through their locked doors, were shivering behind them. This Sunday’s first reading recalls one of the bogeymen they feared most:…

The Miracle of Sheep Becoming Shepherds

We’ve read a lot lately about teacher strikes closing schools. It’s easy to sympathize. Many budget-strapped teachers have used their own money to fund classroom expenses. Such teachers are examples of what it’s like to devote one’s life to a…

Peter: Regret’s Poster Child

Jesus’ pet peeve about humanity must have been our denial–denial of our sins, of his Father, and of his relationship to his Father. Even his number-one man, Peter the Rock, was a frequent target for correction. While Peter was still…

Dealing with Our Undying Sins

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. This was the heart of Marxism and other socialist utopian philosophies at their beginnings, but as we know, mankind’s sinful nature managed to corrupt whatever purity it might…

Stephen Hawking’s Hope is Risen

“While there’s life, there is hope.” This Easter message comes courtesy of an atheist. Stephen Hawking, scientist and author of A Brief History of Time, passed to his eternal reward a few weeks ago. He never expected to wind up…